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Sponsors & Exhibition

 We are delighted to invite you to the XXXIX Nordic Congress in Clinical Chemistry to be held in Aula Medica, in the heart of the Nya Karolinska University Hospital area, Stockholm, where the exhibition also will be open. In order to ensure maximum interaction between sponsors and participants the exhibition area is centrally located at the congress venue. The participants will  have their lunch and coffee in the same area. We are expecting a turnout of 600-800 participants from all professions in clinical chemistry in the Nordic countries, chemists, clinicians, scientists, and other laboratory professionals. 

The conference has been approved by the Ethical Medtech Conference Vetting System (CVS)

Quiz in the exhibtion

During congress week, you have a unique opportunity to take part in our digital quiz!

Explore the poster presentations and exhibitions from our sponsors, and answer questions directly on your phone or computer.

How it works:

  • Visit the poster exhibition and the exhibitors' stands.
  • Scan the QR code or use the link on the congress website to access the quiz via Microsoft Forms.
  • Answer questions based on information from the posters and exhibitions.
  • Submit your answers digitally no later than Friday, September 20, 2024, at 10:30.

Contact info

Kristina Höög Hammarström
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Commee AB
Stefan Wengelin
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Program, budget and formal invitation will be provided upon request.